Modern Credit Balance Business Apps

Starting a business is getting easier and faster. It's time to start a credit business, internet packages & vouchers, bank transfers, bills/ PPOB, game top-ups, e-wallets, and many more.

Propana Official

Application Features Propana

Propana always innovates to develop application features that make it easier for propane partners and increasingly complete products.

Start a Business Dream

With just 3 easy steps, start your dream business in a short time without any hassle.

Install and Register​​

Install the Propana application and register through the application.

Top Up Balance Deposit

Fill your balance as your initial capital for transactions.


Enjoy easy, fast and safe transactions.

Complete Products & Up-to-date

Complete products, credit, data packages & internet vouchers, SMS & phone packages, bank transfers, game top-ups, e-wallets, e-tolls, e-commerce, online drivers, VA, PPOB, PDAM, PLN, PGN, Internet, Multifinance, prepaid TV, PLN tokens, entertainment and many more.

regular credit
transfer credit
Data Package
PLN Tokens
SMS & Telp
Voucher Internet
Topup Ewallet
Bills/ PPOB
Voc & SP Activation
Money Transfer
TV & Entertainment

One Application for Transactions of various prepaid and postpaid products

Check out the complete product now!!

Testimonial Propana Partners

From the beginning, I joined Propana just for personal transactions, topping up Shopeepay credit, paying PDAM electricity bills, etc. Until finally I was able to open a counter, because here the complete package can do any transaction and the price is cheap 👏, every day many customers make transactions at my counter 🙏🙏, even though I'm just a housewife, I can still earn money without leaving my children 😍😍

- Fatmawati - Propana Partners from Sragen

Mitra Propana Asal Sragen I didn't think about opening a credit selling business at first, I focused on opening a grocery store, but after getting to know @propana.official, my turnover increased, because there are many menu options that I can use for transactions needed by buyers, making it easier for buyers not to go far from home to buy credit etc., because I live in a housing complex. Hopefully it inspires other friends.

- Benny - Partners from Kepulauan Riau

Initially, it was because I needed extra money because I was unemployed, then I tried selling phone credits again. I used to sell phone credits while I was in college, but the pandemic stopped and the prices on the app were quite expensive. When I found out that it was cheap on Propane, I immediately registered and am still loyal to using it until now❤️🙌

- Shafa - Partners from Malang

I first got to know propane when I was still working at PT, working while selling credit even though there were few customers but thank God there were always some who bought. A few months later with a heavy heart I resigned from PT because I was pregnant, the fortune of being pregnant, customers have increased since I was home, the price at Propane is also a bit cheaper than other servers. Bismillah, hopefully I can open a counter business.

- Shofiana - Partners from Kab. Batang

Been a Propana Partner since 2017, from the beginning of joining Propana has guaranteed the cheapest price from other servers with a complete selection of products and often there are promo products. currently has 11 branches with the name Ultimate Cell. Alhamdulillah already has a monthly turnover of 4 billion. Feel helped income from the Propana application. May Propana continue to be successful.

- Gilang - Partners from Tangerang

Hundreds of Millions of Transactions Completed in Propana

Tens of Thousands of Partners Throughout Indonesia Have Joined Propana

Frequently Asked QuestionFAQ)

Frequently asked questions by
many people to us

Install the Propana application and register via the application on the menu "Registrasi".
Referral Code For the best price, please contact our CS.

A deposit balance of around IDR 100 thousand is required as initial capital.

You can use BCA, BRI, BNI, and Mandiri bank transfers. Simply select the “Tambah Saldo” and follow the instructions given and can use Modern Topup by serving QRIS, Alfa/Indo Mart, and VA payments

If you experience problems during transactions, you can contact our CS/Admin on the menu "Hubungi Kami" Be sure to provide transaction details so we can assist you quickly.

Have not had Propana App?

Come on, download and install the application Versi 167 with new features for Android and an app available for iOS/iPhone on the App Store.

Confused about how to install? Click here.

Promotion Support Program

To make it easier for partners to start a business and sell products, we have provided promotional templates for online/offline needs.

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