CV. Prospek Mitra Abadi (PMA)

CV. Prospek Mitra Abadi (Propana) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan dan pembayaran produk-produk digital (all-in-one) in one complete and easy-to-use application. Propana provides solutions to facilitate the needs of the community in easy, safe, fast and reliable sales and payment services. And contribute to the community to get an easy business without risk with very affordable capital.

The company's commitment to always prioritize service for consumers and partners by providing fast, easy, safe services and 24-hour service support. Competence, training and development of human resources are the company's ongoing orientation to create professionalism in meeting quality standards for our consumers and partners.

Visi dan Misi

Providing Benefits to the Community

Propana provides solutions to facilitate the needs of the community in easy, safe, fast and reliable sales and payment services. And contribute to the community to get an easy business without risk with very affordable capital.

Ilustrasi 2-01

Priority Service for All Partners

The company's commitment to always prioritize service for propane partners by providing fast, easy, safe services and 24-hour service support.

Ilustrasi 3-01

Our Location

Office Address

📌 Ruko Munsen, Jl. Tambakan No.11 (A11, Karangwatu, Sedayu, Kec. Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56412

Office Operating Hours

📆 Senin – Sabtu
⏰ 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Office Phone

☎️ (0293) 589 3333

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